February 12, 2016
A continuation on PROCESS.
My wife and I constantly have this dialogue.
“Babe – it’s a process!! It is going to be ok.” — that is my constant sentiment.
Marriage is basically like holding up a mirror, one that shows you parts of yourself that you did not know existed. You get to see yourself in a whole different light.
(caveat — I/we do not have it all together by any means — I just love sharing the journey we are on and the sessions learned along the way)
My wife and I see the world very differently. I love sharing my world view with anyone that will listen and she is stuck with me, so she has to listen. Well she does not have to do anything, but we like to talk about this stuff.
One of the things we realized in our journey together was that I LOVE THE PROCESS and often the mess of the process that goes with it. MARION, my bride, does not have quite the same perspective. She just wants things finished, nice and neatly. It is like I need a messy desk in order to get anything done and hers is spotless before any work can take place.
Again, nothing is wrong with the difference here, it is just learning how to live with each other and love each other and see the strengths in the other — rather than seeing the difference as a weakness or a barrier to overcome or something to change in the other person. But rather realize that we need each other and these strengths can really complement.
Things take time
There are steps
I love the in-between steps — when deconstruction has takin place and it is time to rebuild it all.
Re Imagination
Re Construction
Whether it is re-modeling a home, restructuring a business, creating an art piece, personal change or relationship change— there is a process.
Sometimes the first step is the hardest.
DECIDING to change is often the biggest hurdle.
Once that huge step is made, trust in the process, just take one step at a time.
Sometimes it may take longer than you think, but keep moving.
* the top art piece is an original I created in the studio between emails and phone calls the other day. It was a refreshing artistic release in the midst of looking at a screen and focusing on details.
**workout still on hold – back is getting better.
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